Avoiding ads for online video

Here’s something that we just noticed during the week, that there is a way to avoid ads on YouTube and other online video websites. While I know that websites have to have ads in order to remain in business, but sometimes watching 10+ minutes of ads for an hour of TV online is really just too much. Many of them simply just repeat the same ads over and over again. If you are using a VPN to watch these shows you may not even be able to buy these products. Here’s a tip if you use Google Chrome for your browser, so you can skip being subjected to the barrage of ads, and get watching that video online.

Get AdBlock

AdBlock on Chrome Web Store chromeadblock.com

This Chrome extension will help you block ads. Here’s their latest update to the extension.

NEW IN VERSION 2.5: Blocks ads in ALL videos and in ALL Flash games across the web!

So no waiting to play your favourite game or watch that Youtube video.

What sites does it block ads on?

These are the sites that we’ve checked:

  • Youtube : Yes
  • Channel 4 oD : No
  • Hulu : No

Do you know of any other sites that it blocks ads for ?

Get AdBlock

AdBlock settings

You can find AdBlock on the Chrome Web Store. We particularly like the fact that you can just enable the ad blocker per domain name, or you can pause it easily with one click of a button. We aren’t anti-ads on the web, but sometimes they are just too much.

We don’t know how long this tip will work for, and we do expect that the major video websites to try to close these loop holes.

If you have any tips on how you make your video watching online more pleasurable please let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear them !

Skipping YouTube ads on your mobile phone

We’ve recently seen more and more that YouTube videos on mobile devices having a pre-roll video advert before they plan the main video. Some of these ads can be up to 30 seconds long and they can be quite annoying. We’ve found that by moving the slider, where you can scrub (go forward or backwards) the ad until the end. And if you hold it there it will cause the ad to skip. We hope that’s helped some people ! This at least works for Google Chrome on iOS 8.

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